Sunday, July 14, 2013

UBC day 14- The hare and the tortoise revisited!!

So we all know how Mr. Slowpoke Tortoise ran a race with Mr.Smartypants Hare and managed to win it too...because Smarty fell asleep half way through! Overconfidence cost him the race.  But do you know what happened after that?

Well, Mr.Smartypants came home wondering how the lowly tortoise had managed to outrun it in its own game. This was simply not done!  What would the other animals say? He had a reputation to keep... He did not want to be a laughing stock of the whole jungle.

So he went to meet Mr.Slowpoke again and challenged him to another race. He was determined not to fall asleep this time. Mr.Slowpoke saw through Smarty's plan but agreed to run the race nonetheless. He had one condition however....the race would be held in the lake in the middle of the jungle! You see, Smarty was not as smart to see through Slowpoke's game, and hence the race began again. Needless to say, Slowpoke won again as he was on home turf!! 

Smarty was terribly dejected and humiliated, but he refused to give up. He challenged Slowpoke to yet another race, and this time up a hill. He was sure Slowpoke could not win whatever he tried to do. Ha! tricked ya, Slowy, he thought. Tomorrow will be my redemption from the previous losses. 

The next morning, the race began again. Smarty began the difficult ascent up the hill. Slowpoke came all geared up in a red bandana around his head. The bandana's not going to make you win, Slowy, he thought and smiled to himself as he saw Slowpoke struggling to climb even an inch. Halfway through, Smarty nearly jumped out his pants when he saw Slowpoke steadily moving ahead of him! How in the world had he managed to get ahead?  Smarty ran faster than his legs could carry and even as he neared the top, he saw Slowpoke with his red bandana already at the finish line! Smarty almost fainted when he saw this, but being the good sport that he was he shook hands with Slowy and finally, accepted defeat!

So how did Slowy manage to climb the hill, you ask? Well, the night before, he got 3 of his closest friends to tie a red bandana and climb up the hill and position themselves at different positions, and he himself stood at the closest point to the finish line! The bandana was merely an illusion!

Moral of the story? 
No matter how weak you may be, there's always some way out to overcome that and win!!!

Well, that's not the end of the story. Smartypants having found out that Slowpoke was very clever indeed, decided to join hands with him!! At the next cross-jungle race, when all the animals participated, Smarty carried Slowpoke on his shoulders when they raced on land and Slowy carried him on his back when in water, and together they won the race this time!!

Moral of the story?? You know it don't you?


(P.S- I had heard a version of this as a part of our soft skills training years ago, now when my little one is learning this at school, we came up this version to make learning fun for him!!) 


  1. Giggles.. I like this :D
    Moral of the stories should be fun this way and I love when ego doesnt come in the way rather it is mutual respect for other that makes both team up for symbiotic win in Life :D
    Why dont colleagues understand this..What a beautiful world we would live in if this were to be the mantra

    1. :D Thanks! very correct! that's what team work is supposed to mean....

  2. world will be so beautiful and people so much peaceful if everyone followed this :)

  3. This is yet another version from all the ones I have read already :D

  4. Strength in Unity.. yep.. lesson learnt :D

  5. THis was a sweet take on the old fable. Old Aesop must be spinning madly in his grave, but I like your take on it.

  6. Wow! You have taken the old fable a step ahead fabulously! Will definitely use this in my training sessions ;) Thank you :)

    1. very long back I had heard a version of this from our trainer, and as I narrated it to my kids, the elder one came up with some of it and then we combined it all to get this potpourri!

  7. Very nice improvisation :) Loved it.

  8. lololol!!! Lessons learnt and noted :P

  9. I have never heard this one. And it is such a different story. Love it way too much. so much so that I am sharing it on fb :-)


  10. I cannot believe a story that I hated in school you made me love it now :D :D ... why i hated it .. i will write it down someday :) :)

    1. is that so? my little one's learning this story in school, and that's how it all began in trying to make it fun for him!!

  11. aww!! I like this cuter version better!! :)

  12. Good one titli...very nicely written about me as Mr. Slowpoke...hhaha..indeed good story lesson for life..only problem is that everyone trying to pull their shoulder up...but life is not all about...


At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person..deep gratitude for those who have lighted the flame within me!! your comments will be appreciated..

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