Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for Letting go......

One of the hardest things in life is to let go. Letting go of people, letting go of feelings, letting go of places.....because that is easier said than done. Letting go is like embracing uncertainty when all we want to do is to hold on. People become history, places become history, your feelings become history, and yet we don’t realise that, that is what they are...history.....not our destiny.  I am not talking about giving up, but just accepting that there are things which are not meant to be. There are plenty of things worth fighting for and giving up would be such a shame, but there are also plenty of things we hang on to, that are past their expiry date, and those are the things that we must let go.

There comes a point in life when you realise that you get tired trying to fix everything and you know that all will never be fine again, no matter how much you try. That is time to let go. Rather than surrounding yourself with all that pointless drama, the people who create it, and the bitterness they leave in your hearts, you might want to surround yourself with people who make you happy, make you forget your woes and make you feel loved.

It is difficult. Difficult to let go of people, because the memories keep coming back... Difficult to let go of thoughts- the guilt, the anger, the loss, the betrayal, the fear, and maybe love let go of the thoughts that make you weak. But in the end you realise that you have to just release them. You cannot be attached to them forever. It will take time, but you will eventually realise that letting go is not about losing or defeat. It means to cherish those memories, overcome them and move on. It means freeing yourself from the burden of a past you cannot change.

Letting go makes you stronger. It lets you respect and love yourself. It lets you find happiness. It lets you find new beginnings. You deserve to be happy. Gift yourself that happiness. And just let go.....

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