Yippeeeeeeee... I got the Liebster Blog award from Sujana from http://dreamingindecember.blogspot.in/ A lovely valentine's gift for me!! Thanks Sujana...you've made my day!!
The rules to follow to accept the award:
Link back to the person who gave you the award.
Pick 5 people deserving of the award and notify them on their blogs.
Post the award on your blog and spread the love.
So here are my five...
1. http://unbirthdayescapades.blogspot.in/
2. http://sujathasathya.blogspot.in/
3. http://aartiharish.blogspot.com/
4. http://storyinpieces.com/
5. http://mindfiction.blogspot.in/
The rules to follow to accept the award:
Link back to the person who gave you the award.
Pick 5 people deserving of the award and notify them on their blogs.
Post the award on your blog and spread the love.
So here are my five...
1. http://unbirthdayescapades.blogspot.in/
2. http://sujathasathya.blogspot.in/
3. http://aartiharish.blogspot.com/
4. http://storyinpieces.com/
5. http://mindfiction.blogspot.in/