Saturday, July 13, 2013

UBC day 13- Prove that you are not a robot....

I tried to comment on someone's space and this is what I encountered! Undecipherable, unintelligent codes that made me scratch my head in frustration and wonder if all that they had taught us in primary school was a farce...Maybe they should include an extra class in school where they teach you how to decipher this stuff!!

Take a look at some of these codes-

reCAPTCHA challenge image

reCAPTCHA challenge image

I might just be a robot for all you know. You see, I cannot read the captcha!! For reasons of attracting spam, many sites require me to prove that I am a human enough not to spam. But I fail to see the reason behind it. If I could read the write up, it means I am human right? What more do I need to prove? By the way, I did not know robots also read and commented on things! 

I think it should be named, prove that you are a robot, because only a robot would be able to read all those squiggly-squaggly words and numbers! 

I keep hitting the keys hoping I've got the right word, and after a few tries I've lost all inclination to comment. Enabling comment moderation is a wise thing to do, because it anyway lets you see the comments before you publish them, but getting your readers to go through this unthinkable stuff is torturous. 

Again, I may be wrong.... I am a robot, you see!! 


  1. Replies
    1. charan sparsh to the word got so p****d off that I wrote this post that two of my own comments were found in the spam folder!

  2. hahahaha....even i have enabled comment moderation....but still this is a hilarious post :P :D

  3. This is such a much needed post. I too have encountered this, when I go to a blog that I really want to comment upon, but it won't let me. And no matter how hard I screw my eyes, some captchas just aren't meant to be deciphered.

  4. God you just said what I was thinking... just returned from a blog that had this word verification.. I serioiusly think people should just have moderation on... sometimes then i just leave without commenting.. it's irritating a lot of time...

    1. i do that too....after a few tries at trying to prove im not a bot, i just wring my hands in exasperation and leave!

  5. CAPTCHAS drive me batty, but I endure because I know how much I value comments and figure the person I am visiting does too. Sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't break them proving that maybe I am part robot. Who knows?? LOL


    1. LOL! yea, sometimes the person in question is too endearing not to go through the rigmarole for him/her!!

  6. LOL!!
    I don't like blogger word verification either!! Very annoying! :D

  7. My dear Princess.. I can't even begin my rant on hpw much I get irritated by these or zillion other approvals fellow bloggers put up..It feels as if we are being barricaded.. If not for what they through their words made me feel, I wouldve not tried hard time and again :)

    1. rightly so....... but a lot of them tell me spam is really a big issue for them....

  8. Oh dear you have touched every blogger's nerve. Havent you? And yes we all feel the same as already expressed in above comments. I hope they can locate the robot that goes commenting on blogs so that we humans can live a normal life :D :D


    1. hahahaha...that was a good one..... yea..jaldi se us "rabatt" ko dhoondo....mona!

  9. It sucks a thousand times more when I am reading through cellphone :-/

    1. oh u bet! as it is the words are impossible to decipher...and to top it, on the mobile screen.... bhagwan bachaye!

  10. The word verification with twisted and curvy fonts is the biggest annoying factor on some blogs. Sometimes, to comment you have to try out 3-4 options. And since you have invested your time to read and comment you feel like taking that last step too, but it is so annoying! I wish the bloggers who have this on their blogs get to use this captcha on their blogs too whenever they are replying to comments!

    1. that last line was a rocker!! i agree completely!! hahahaha!

  11. Ahhhh, your poor thing. I agree that the reCaptcha irritates the hell out of people but there is a history behind the reCaptcha. It helps in digitizing books that might otherwise get lost in the sands of time. Read more on wiki :) Fortunately for me, I get it right easily. Well, maybe you are a robot :P


At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person..deep gratitude for those who have lighted the flame within me!! your comments will be appreciated..

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